"Those who dance are considered to be insane by those who can't hear the music."
- anonymous

Sunday, December 20, 2009


  • Each week next month strike up a conversation with someone who looks friendly and approachable, and who you know very little or not at all.
  • In addition, each week next month go through your list of contacts and reach out to someone you haven’t heard from in a while.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Children Know This Already

Children Know This Already: "

love your life!!!

love your life!!!: "

, originally uploaded by implodingg.


50 Ways to Add Joy to Your Day

50 Ways to Add Joy to Your Day


I've been keeping a journal and i find it very helpful. I don't write every day, just when i have something on my mind that i feel the need to. I find it easier to write when i don't set a schedule for it, it's just there if i need it.
I'd love to be a better writer and found this blog with weekly writing tips. So this will go into my balance blog as part of a goal i have for myself.
To visit the blog where I found this go to

Writer Musings

Writing Tip of the Week

Writing exercise: rewrite a scene from the viewpoint of a different character in the story. Doesn’t have to be your story.

i haven't made the banner but i will

ok so i have not made the banner, but i will. I will be taking a week worth of classes to become a certified caregiver. I went for an interview and felt so at ease knowing that i could do this. After my interview I was given a day pass to go visit one of the nine homes in the area.
I printed driving direction off of google maps and left 20 minutes early. The directions i printed were wrong so i was completly lost. I stopped and asked at the managers office if they knew where the street i was looking for was. He had no idea but was kind enough to let me borrow his computer to look up directions on map quest. Sure enough the directions were different from the one i had. It only took me about 2-3 minutes to get to where I was supposed to be, but now i was an hour late. I apolozied for being late and asked if i should stay or reschedual. They were nice enough to let me stay and I fell in love with the patients living there.
Now I feel like a major part of what i needed in my life is finally going to be there.
A huge step in finding more balance in my life. That's how i know that i will make that banner.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Click on Link Above for instructions 

I've been wanting to make on too. I love to craft but don't get around to it enough. I will make it my goal to make one before Thanksgiving. So that my house will not feel so empty on Thanksgiving. Sometimes I don't feel I have much to be thankful for, but I guess I need to focus on what I do have.

Thank you Sara for the instructions and inspiration. See I already have something to be thankful for.


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