"Those who dance are considered to be insane by those who can't hear the music."
- anonymous

Saturday, April 3, 2010

feel good fridays

Feel Good Friday's is Hosted by The Girl Next Door Grow's Up.

5 Things That Have Made ME Happy This Week.

1. Laughing my head off with my 16 year old son.

2. Talking to my 21 year old son last night.

3. Enjoying a beautiful view yesterday that made me smile.

4. Coming up with my own plan for my own future.

5. Spending time on the internet tonight.


  1. Wanna say thank you for following me. I followed you back too from Friday Follow!

    The Business Minded Mom

  2. I love your list!!! It always boils down to the little things that make us happy and there are so many of them! We just have to look...

  3. just reading your list makes me happy also. happiness is contagious :)

    hope you can link me up. do visit and leave your mark on my blogs :)
    do you love your hair?
    meet my mom

  4. just reading your list makes me happy also. happiness is contagious :)

